magister Ewelina Piotrowska-Wituła
Therapist summary
- ADHD in children
- ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
- Asperger's syndrome
- Concentration / memory issues
- Conduct disorder (CD)
- Conflict with parents
- Video
- yes
- Phone
- no
- Chat
- no
Who do I work with
- Adults(18 - 59)
- no
- Eldery(60+)
- no
- Couples
- no
- Children(up to 15)
- yes
- Teenagers(16 - 17)
- no
- Groups
- no
- Therapists - supervision
- no
- Session for a child / parent
- £ 45 / 60 min
- Session in person
- £ 50 / 60 min
- Session in person
- £ 120 / 90 min
Would you like to book an online session?
My experience
I worked in Przedszkole Miejskie z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi as a special needs educator, and as a sensory integration therapist and hand therapist.
I did therapy in Niepubliczna Poradnia Psychologiczno-Pedagogiczna Sensitiva - pedagogical therapy, hand therapy, sensory integration therapy.
I work in the United Kingdom:
In Wagonik Integracyjny - support group with elements of therapy. I lead therapeutic activities.
I am employed as a special needs educator in Polska Szkoła Sobotnia.
My education
I finished Wyższa Szkoła Edukacji Zdrowotnej in Łódź course in Terapia z elementami pedagogiki specjalnej, as well as Uniwersytet Łódzki course in Pedagogika Rewalidacyjna. Additionally I finished post-diploma studies in Edukacja początkowa w zakresie przedszkola i klas I-III szkoły podstawowej in WSP in Łódź. I am also a certified sensory integration, hand therapy and TUS (Trening umiejętności Społecznych) therapist.
My diplomas and certificates
What problems do I work with
- ADHD in children
- ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
- Asperger's syndrome
- Concentration / memory issues
- Conduct disorder (CD)
- Conflict with parents
- Developmental delays
- Disability struggles
- Dysgraphia
- Dyslexia
- Emotional disorders
- Hyperactivity / Overexcitability
- Learning difficulties
- Psychosomatic disorders
- Selective mutism
- Sensory processing disorders
- Tourette's syndrome
My approaches
- Educational therapy
- Sensory integration therapy
Additional information
For more information visit this profile in Polish at: https://helpee.uk/pl/terapeuci/pedagog-specjalny-terapeuta-integracji-sensorycznej-oraz-terapii-reki/ewelina-piotrowska